
Save time and hit the gas

How do you develop a platform where entrepeneurs can in one glance see what kind of commercial vehicles are available on the market? By keeping it basic, simple and making it quick. Entrepeneurs are busy enough as is.

So busy, as a matter of fact, that making time for buying a company vehicle can be hard.
And that is exactly why we developed Entrepeneurs throught the Netherlands can use the platform to see, with a few simple mouse clicks, everything that the many dealers have available.

We even made it so that people can choose what type of commercial vehicle.

So it's only 1 click on an image, 1 click on search and voila! Every option available to you. We played a lot into the lack of time entrepeuners often have and with that made sure searching for a commercial vehicle is as efficient as possible.

Skills UX design, UI design, Database Linking (development), Graphic